Cynthia Marie Moulthrop
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Statement from President Joseph R. Biden on the Occasion of Ramadan | The White House

What about the Christians in Gaza during Lent? How has this man not been excommunicated?
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

I’m a Catholic priest who fasts for Ramadan. Here’s what it taught me about Lent

Why not just fast like Catholics of earlier ages: no meat, no dairy, no alcohol, bread and water mainly, ( and abstinence from sexual relations for married people)
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Louisiana Bishops Endorse Abortive Contraception In [Alleged] Rape Cases

Ah but you are the fool, if you knew biology and your catechism, you would know that life begins at conception not implantation.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

What does the smile tell you about the person? Get ready Ameria..

Biden has the Covid now, sniffles and a little cough. Probably will die from it and Kamala will take over.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

“Sex Change”: Biological Impossibility and Revolt Against God

Bad display,? That’s an understatement.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Homosex Religion: EU-Regime Teaches Young Men “How to Walk in High Heels”

But they were doing it as a joke…
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

UPenn Nominates Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas as 2022 ‘Woman of The Year’ - Independent

Can’t be woman of the year if you’re not a woman. We need to start DNA testing 😂
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall | Confronting Tom Hanks - Independent

Interesting that when I tried to access the images on Twitter I kept getting error messages 😉 Also, is that Michael Jackson or Nancy Pelosi in that photo above?
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

What's wrong at schools. Reason Nr. 1398

I wouldn’t be so sure 😉
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

What's wrong at schools. Reason Nr. 1398

Cows are girls
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

Abortion and Catholics | Archbishop Sample

Catholics do care about women, including those not yet born in danger of being murdered by their own mothers.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

This is from EWTN. Wow

I’m with you, haven’t voted in years. The candidates are all just different sides of the same coin.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

First Holy Communion. NYC 1944

Vatican II changed the expression of the “faith” . You are correct that the True Magisterium of the Faith has never and will never change. But the changing of the True Sacrifice of the Mass into a Protestant commemoration, with no option for the True Mass, drove people from the churches in confusion. I was one of them, baptized in 1960, first Communion in 1968, then everything changed. I didn’t …More
Vatican II changed the expression of the “faith” . You are correct that the True Magisterium of the Faith has never and will never change. But the changing of the True Sacrifice of the Mass into a Protestant commemoration, with no option for the True Mass, drove people from the churches in confusion. I was one of them, baptized in 1960, first Communion in 1968, then everything changed. I didn’t know what to think, we went from the solemn High Mass incensing of the altar to the guitar Mass and Kumbaya. God brought me back to the true Church in my 40s when I discovered there was another option, the SSPX and other traditional groups who were perpetuating what I thought was lost.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop

First Holy Communion. NYC 1944

The kids left the Church because the Church left the Faith