April 29 - Saint Hugh - Abbot of Cluny - 1109 - Gaul Saint Hugh of Cluny Also known as Hugh the Great Hugh of Cluni Hugh of Semur Hugues de Cluny Memorial 29 April Profile Born to the BurgundianMore
April 29 - Saint Hugh - Abbot of Cluny - 1109 - Gaul
Saint Hugh of Cluny
Also known as
Hugh the Great
Hugh of Cluni
Hugh of Semur
Hugues de Cluny
Memorial 29 April Profile Born to the Burgundian nobility. Eldest son of Count Dalmatius of Semur and Aremberge of Vergy. His father wanted him to become a knight and secular leader; his mother was advised of a vision received by a local priest that her son was destined for religious life. When Hugh seemed more inclined to the Church than the hunt, his father sent him to his grand-uncle Hugh, Bishop of Auxerre, France for education. Novice at Cluny Abbey at age 14. Monk at 15 under Saint Odilo. Deacon at 18. Priest at 20. Benedictine. Abbey prior. Elected abbot on 1 January 1049. Fought lay investiture, simony, and corruption among the clergy. Founded almost 2,000 new houses, led by like-minded religious, in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. Fought against simony at the Council of Rheims in 1049. Participated …More
Evangile du jour Lundi 29 avril MChrista Première lettre de saint Jean 1,5-10.2,1-2. Bien-aimés, tel est le message que nous avons entendu de Jésus Christ et que nous vous annonçons : Dieu est lumière …More
Evangile du jour Lundi 29 avril
Première lettre de saint Jean 1,5-10.2,1-2.
Bien-aimés, tel est le message que nous avons entendu de Jésus Christ et que nous vous annonçons : Dieu est lumière ; en lui, il n’y a pas de ténèbres.
Si nous disons que nous sommes en communion avec lui, alors que nous marchons dans les ténèbres, nous sommes des menteurs, nous ne faisons pas la vérité.
Mais si nous marchons dans la lumière, comme il est lui-même dans la lumière, nous sommes en communion les uns avec les autres, et le sang de Jésus, son Fils, nous purifie de tout péché.
Si nous disons que nous n’avons pas de péché, nous nous égarons nous-mêmes, et la vérité n’est pas en nous.
Si nous reconnaissons nos péchés, lui qui est fidèle et juste va jusqu’à pardonner nos péchés et nous purifier de toute injustice. Si nous disons que nous sommes sans péché, nous faisons de lui un menteur, et sa parole n’est pas en nous. Mes petits enfants, je vous écris cela pour que vous évitiez le péché. Mais …More
29 avril : Sainte Catherine de Sienne ktotv Docteur de l'Église et co-patronne de l'Europe C aterina, l'une des saintes les plus merveilleuses qui aient paru sur la terre, naît à Sienne (Toscane, Italie …More
29 avril : Sainte Catherine de Sienne
Docteur de l'Église et co-patronne de l'Europe
, l'une des saintes les plus merveilleuses qui aient paru sur la terre, naît à Sienne (Toscane, Italie) le 25 mars 1347, de parents vertueux, mais qui pourtant, chose incroyable, se firent longtemps ses persécuteurs et entravèrent, autant qu'il leur fut possible, sa vocation religieuse.
Dès l'âge de cinq ans, elle ne montait les escaliers de la maison paternelle qu'à genoux, récitant l'Ave Maria à chaque degré. Vers cette époque, elle eut une apparition de Notre-Seigneur, qui lui révéla tous les secrets de la vie parfaite.
Un jour, l'admirable enfant, se prosternant dans sa chambre, pria la très Sainte Vierge de lui donner son divin Fils pour Époux, et dès lors elle ne songea qu'à la vie religieuse, qui passionnait noblement son âme. Comme ses parents voulaient la marier, Dieu leur fit comprendre par différents signes extraordinaires que leur fille devait rester vierge ; malgré tout, ils …More
Bienheureux Achard évêque d'Avranches ( ✝ 1172) Saints Agapios et Secundinus Evêques et martyrs (IIIe siècle) Saint Antoine Kim Song-u martyr en …More
Bienheureux Achard
évêque d'Avranches ( ✝ 1172)
Saints Agapios et Secundinus
Evêques et martyrs (IIIe siècle)
Saint Antoine Kim Song-u
martyr en Corée ( ✝ 1841)
Sainte Ava
vénérée à Denain dans le nord de la France (IXe siècle) Saint Basile d'Ostrog ( ✝ 1671) Vénérable Élisabeth Bergeron Fondatrice des religieuses de Saint-Joseph ( ✝ 1936) Sainte Endellion ermite en Cornouailles (Ve siècle) Bienheureuse Hanna Chrzanowska infirmière polonaise ( ✝ 1973) Saint Hugues de Cluny Sixième abbé de Cluny ( ✝ 1109) Bienheureuse Itala Mela mystique bénédictine italienne ( ✝ 1957) Saint Jean de Kaloktène métropolite de Thèbes (XIIe siècle) Saint Libère évêque de Ravenne ( ✝ v. 206) Saint Paulin évêque de Brescia (Ve siècle) Saint Robert Gruthuysen abbé de Clairvaux ( ✝ 1157) Sept Brigands (IIe siècle) Saint Sévère évêque de Naples ( ✝ v. 409) Saint Stanko ( ✝ 1712) Sainte Tertulle martyre à Constantine. ( ✝ 260) Saint Tropez Martyr (Ier siècle) Saint Tychique disciple de saint Paul (Ier siècle) Saint …More
APRIL 29 - THE GOSPEL breski1 Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 14,21-26. Jesus said to his disciples: “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. Whoever …More
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 14,21-26.
Jesus said to his disciples: “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him.”
Judas, not the Iscariot, said to him, "Master, (then) what happened that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?"
Jesus answered and said to him, "Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.
Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me.
I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name--he will teach you everything and remind you of all that (I) told you." Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB Share the Gospel on Facebook
Santa Catalina de Siena en 1 Minuto - El Santo del Día - 29 de Abril p.josédejesús fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 29 de abril fecha en el calendario anterior: 30 de abril n.: 1347 - †: 1380 - …More
Santa Catalina de Siena en 1 Minuto - El Santo del Día - 29 de Abril
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 29 de abril
fecha en el calendario anterior: 30 de abril
n.: 1347 - †: 1380 - país: Italia
canonización: C: Pío II 29 jun 1461
hagiografía: «Vidas de los santos de A. Butler», Herbert Thurston, SI
Fiesta de santa Catalina de Siena, virgen y doctora de la Iglesia, que, habiendo ingresado en las Hermanas de la Penitencia de Santo Domingo, deseosa de conocer a Dios en sí misma y a sí misma en Dios, se esforzó en asemejarse a Cristo crucificado. Trabajó también enérgica e incansablemente por la paz, por el retorno del Romano Pontífice a la Urbe y por la unidad de la Iglesia, y dejó espléndidos documentos llenos de doctrina espiritual. Patronazgos: patrona de Europa, Italia, Roma y Siena, de las enfermeras, lavanderas y secretarias parroquiales, de los moribundos, protectora contra los incendios, el dolor de cabeza y la peste. refieren a este santo: Santa Catalina …More
Santa Catalina de Siena, virgen y doctora de la Iglesia (4 coms.) - Memoria litúrgica Fiesta de santa Catalina de Siena, virgen y doctora de la Iglesia …More
Santa Catalina de Siena, virgen y doctora de la Iglesia (4 coms.) - Memoria litúrgica
Fiesta de santa Catalina de Siena, virgen y doctora de la Iglesia, que, habiendo ingresado en las Hermanas de la Penitencia de Santo Domingo, deseosa de conocer a Dios en sí misma y a sí misma en Dios, se esforzó en asemejarse a Cristo crucificado. Trabajó también enérgica e incansablemente por la paz, por el retorno del Romano Pontífice a la Urbe y por la unidad de la Iglesia, y dejó espléndidos documentos llenos de doctrina espiritual. († 1380)
San Tíquico, santo del NT
Conmemoración de san Tíquico, discípulo del apóstol san Pablo, que en sus epístolas le llama hermano carísimo, ministro fiel y consiervo en el Señor. († s. I)
San Torpetes, mártir
En Pisa, de la Toscana, san Torpetes, mártir. († s. inc.)
San Severo de Nápoles, obispo
En Nápoles, de la Campania, san Severo, obispo, al que san Ambrosio amó como a un hermano y su Iglesia como a un padre. († c. 409) San Hugo de Cluny, abad En el monasterio …More
APRIL 29 - SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA breski1 Caterina Benincasa Catharine of Siena Katharine of Siena Memorial 29 April 30 April (Dominicans) Profile Youngest of 24 children; her father was a wool-…More
Caterina Benincasa
Catharine of Siena
Katharine of Siena
29 April
30 April (Dominicans) Profile Youngest of 24 children; her father was a wool-dyer. At the age of seven she had a vision in which Jesus appeared with Peter, Paul, and John; Jesus blessed her, and she consecrated herself to Him. Her parents began making arranged marriages for her when she turned 12, but she refused to co-operate, became a Dominican tertiary at age 15, and spent her time working with the poor and sick, attracting others to work with her. Received a vision in which she was in a mystical marriage with Christ, and the Infant Christ presented her with a wedding ring. Some of her visions drove her to become more involved in public life. Counselor to and correspondent with Pope Gregory XI and Pope Urban VI. Stigmatist in 1375. Lived in Avignon, France in 1376, and then in Rome, Italy from 1378 until her death. Friend of Blessed Raymond …More
APRIL 29 - THE FIRST READING breski1 Acts of the Apostles 14,5-18. There was an attempt in Iconium by both the Gentiles and the Jews, together with their leaders, to attack and stone Paul and Barnabas. …More
Acts of the Apostles 14,5-18.
There was an attempt in Iconium by both the Gentiles and the Jews, together with their leaders, to attack and stone Paul and Barnabas.
they realized it and fled to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and to the surrounding countryside,
where they continued to proclaim the good news.
At Lystra there was a crippled man, lame from birth, who had never walked.
He listened to Paul speaking, who looked intently at him, saw that he had the faith to be healed, and called out in a loud voice, "Stand up straight on your feet." He jumped up and began to walk about. When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they cried out in Lycaonian, "The gods have come down to us in human form." They called Barnabas "Zeus" and Paul "Hermes," because he was the chief speaker. And the priest of Zeus, whose temple was at the entrance to the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, for he together with the people intended to offer sacrifice. …More
Letture e Vangelo del giorno - Lunedì 29 Aprile 2024 Audio letture della Parola Vangelo di oggi Prima lettera di san Giovanni apostolo 1,5-10.2,1-2. arissimi, questo è il messaggio che abbiamo udito …More
Letture e Vangelo del giorno - Lunedì 29 Aprile 2024 Audio letture della Parola Vangelo di oggi
Prima lettera di san Giovanni apostolo 1,5-10.2,1-2.
arissimi, questo è il messaggio che abbiamo udito da Gesù Cristo e che ora vi annunziamo: Dio è luce e in lui non ci sono tenebre.
Se diciamo che siamo in comunione con lui e camminiamo nelle tenebre, mentiamo e non mettiamo in pratica la verità.
Ma se camminiamo nella luce, come egli è nella luce, siamo in comunione gli uni con gli altri, e il sangue di Gesù, suo Figlio, ci purifica da ogni peccato.
Se diciamo che siamo senza peccato, inganniamo noi stessi e la verità non è in noi.
Se riconosciamo i nostri peccati, egli che è fedele e giusto ci perdonerà i peccati e ci purificherà da ogni colpa.
Se diciamo che non abbiamo peccato, facciamo di lui un bugiardo e la sua parola non è in noi. Figlioli miei, vi scrivo queste cose perché non pecchiate; ma se qualcuno ha peccato, abbiamo un avvocato presso il Padre: Gesù Cristo giusto. Egli è …More
Saint Catherine of Siena Bob and Penny Lord Ministry You can download the full version this or any of our Videos on Demand Bob and Penny Lord Streaming Channel Want to watch a particular Video on the …More
Saint Catherine of Siena
Bob and Penny Lord Ministry

You can download the full version this or any of our Videos on Demand Bob and Penny Lord Streaming Channel Want to watch a particular Video on the Life of a Saint or Other Title? Watch Journeys of Faith Bob and Penny Lord Videos Online | Vimeo On Demand Bob and Penny Lord created hundreds of Video Episodes and they air on EWTN Global Catholic Television to this day. Lives of the Saints Miracles of the Eucharist, Marian Apparitions and And more! **Evangelization Media Tools** Tangible: Books, minibooks, DVDs, Digital: audiobooks, ebooks, videos We need your help please make a Donation Donate | Journeys of Faith 501c3 | Bob and Penny Lord Ministry You may also donate through our Patreon Page You can set the amount of your donation. Get more from Bob and Penny Lord - Journeys of Faith on Patreon Bob and Penny Lord Streaming TV Channel Get the details about our TV Channel Shop Our Store - Browse our collections …More
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Das wahre Leben der Heiligen Katharina • Place2B On Tour Unterstütze die VIRTUELLEN FÜHRUNGEN von Ludovica oder buche Deine nächste wirkliche Führung mit ihr auf
Das wahre Leben der Heiligen Katharina • Place2B On Tour
Unterstütze die VIRTUELLEN FÜHRUNGEN von Ludovica oder buche Deine nächste wirkliche Führung mit ihr auf
Io Caterina - Santa Caterina da Siena (1957) Fraternità Francescana CineforumMore
Io Caterina - Santa Caterina da Siena (1957)
Fraternità Francescana Cineforum
APRIL 28 - SAINT LOUIS DE MONTFORT breski1 28 April 1 February (Baptism of Saint Louis) Profile Born poor. Studied in Paris, France, and ordained in 1700. While a seminarian he delighted in …More
28 April
1 February (Baptism of Saint Louis)
Born poor. Studied in Paris, France, and ordained in 1700. While a seminarian he delighted in researching the writings of Church Fathers, Doctors and Saints as they related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom he was singularly devoted.
Under Mary‘s inspiration, he founded the Daughters of Divine Wisdom, a religious institute of women devoted to the care of the desititute, and a brother organization, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel. During this work, he began his apostolate of preaching the Rosary and authentic Marian devotion. He preached so forcefully and effectively against the errors of Jansenism that he was expelled from several dioceses in France. In Rome Pope Clement XI conferred on him the title and authority of Missionary Apostolic, which enabled him to continue his apostolate after returning to France. He preached Mary everywhere and to everyone. A member …More
Monasterios cistercienses de Cataluña Los monasterios cistercienses de Cataluña. hispaniaMore
Monasterios cistercienses de Cataluña
Los monasterios cistercienses de Cataluña.
Pope Francis presides over Mass in St. Mark's Square in Venice More than 10,000 people crowded into St. Mark’s Square in Venice to take part in a Mass with Pope Francis. (AP video by Paolo Santalucia …More
Pope Francis presides over Mass in St. Mark's Square in Venice
More than 10,000 people crowded into St. Mark’s Square in Venice to take part in a Mass with Pope Francis. (AP video by Paolo Santalucia) (Production by Trisha Thomas and Gigi Navarra) Subscribe: Read more: Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today
"LA SCHIAVITÙ D'AMORE PER MARIA NELLA LOTTA CONTRO SATANA". Catechesi don Minutella 10 gennaio 2020 @preghieradorazionespiritualitaMore
Catechesi don Minutella 10 gennaio 2020
Heiliger Josef Mario Angheran
Mario Angheran
Sig. Minutella
Novena a San José Obrero - Día 7 🙏 28 de Abril 2024 ✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo ✠, y del Espíritu …More
Novena a San José Obrero - Día 7 🙏 28 de Abril 2024
✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo ✠, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. 🛐 ACTO DE CONTRICION “Señor mío y Dios mío: creo firmemente que estás aquí, que me ves, que me oyes. Te adoro con profunda reverencia. Te pido perdón de mis pecados y gracia para hacer con fruto este rato de oración. Madre mía Inmaculada, San José, mi padre y señor, Ángel de mi guarda: interceded por mí”. 🙏 MEDITACIÓN INICIAL San José, hombre justo y obediente, alegre y cumplidor de la voluntad de Dios, al casarte con la Virgen María, al nombrar a Jesús, al pastorear a la Sagrada Familia a través de su peregrinación de Egipto y llevarlos a salvo a Nazaret y darles allí sustento y protección, te hace digno de un verdadero padre e hijo de Dios, un hombre trabajador y de gran valor. Te ruego que, siguiendo tu ejemplo, sea también yo un pilar para mi familia y un buen trabajador 🙏More
Novena a Santa Catalina de Siena - Día 9 🙏 28 de Abril 2024 ✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo ✠, y del …More
Novena a Santa Catalina de Siena - Día 9 🙏 28 de Abril 2024
✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo ✠, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. 🛐 ACTO DE CONTRICION PARA TODOS LOS DIAS Señor mío, Jesucristo, Dios y Hombre verdadero, Creador, Padre y Redentor mío, por ser Vos quién sois y porque os amo sobre todas las cosas, me pesa de todo corazón haberos ofendido; propongo firmemente nunca más pecar, apartarme de todas las ocasiones de ofenderos, confesarme y, cumplir la penitencia que me fuera impuesta. Amén. 🙏 ORACIÓN PARA TODOS LOS DÍAS Señor Dios Nuestro, que diste a Santa Catalina de Siena el don de entregarse con amor a la contemplación de la pasión de Cristo y al servicio de la Iglesia, haz que, por su intercesión, el pueblo cristiano viva siempre unido al misterio de Cristo, para que pueda rebosar de gozo cuando se manifieste su gloria. Te lo pedimos por Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu hijo. Amén. 9️⃣ DÍA …More
Heiliger Josef Lucila Landoni
Lucila Landoni
Gracias por tomarte la molestia de subir diariamente la novena.Que Dios te bendiga!!!!
122. Sacerdotes demasiado activos. Parte 2 florycanto Tomado del libro "A mis sacerdotes" de Concepción Cabrera de Armida.More
122. Sacerdotes demasiado activos. Parte 2
Tomado del libro "A mis sacerdotes" de Concepción Cabrera de Armida.
2022: Wallis se prépare à accueillir les reliques de Saint-Pierre-Chanel Wallis se prépare à accueillir les reliques de Saint-Pierre-Chanel. Nouvelle-Calédonie la 1èreMore
2022: Wallis se prépare à accueillir les reliques de Saint-Pierre-Chanel
Wallis se prépare à accueillir les reliques de Saint-Pierre-Chanel.
Nouvelle-Calédonie la 1ère
Arthur De la Baure
Souhaitons à la Nouvelle Calédonie une pluie de grâces.! 😇
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