
Tribute to Heroic Polish Catholics

This is a tribute to all my Catholic Polish friend's grandfathers who never surrendered to the evil paganism of National Socialism, who kept the Catholic Faith, hid and protected Jews, and protected …More
This is a tribute to all my Catholic Polish friend's grandfathers who never surrendered to the evil paganism of National Socialism, who kept the Catholic Faith, hid and protected Jews, and protected their families and nation.
Warsaw rise
Do you remember when, when the Nazis forced their rule on Poland
1939 and the allies turned away
From the underground rose a hope of freedom as a whisper
City in despair, but they never lost their (Catholic) Faith
Women, men and children fight
They were dying side by side And the blood they shed upon the streets Was a sacrifice willingly paid Warsaw city at war Voices from underground, whispers of freedom 1944 help that never came Calling Warsaw city at war Voices from underground, whispers of freedom Rise up and hear the call History calling to you, 'Warszawo, walcz!' Spirit soul and heart In accordance with the old traditions 1944 still the allies turn away Fighting street to street In a time of hope and desperation Did it on their own and they never …More

A knight's Prayer

I asked God I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong I asked for wisdom and God gave problems to solve I asked for courage, and God gave me dangers to overcome I asked for …More
I asked God
I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong
I asked for wisdom and God gave problems to solve
I asked for courage, and God gave me dangers to overcome
I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help
My prayers were answered

CATHOLICS AGAINST ANTI-SEMITISM by Mary Eberstadt 10 . 27 . 23

CATHOLICS AGAINST ANTI-SEMITISM by Mary Eberstadt 10 . 27 . 23 On October 7, the terrorist organization Hamas decided to follow the Nazi playbook once more. As one observer of World War II put it, …More
by Mary Eberstadt
10 . 27 . 23

On October 7, the terrorist organization Hamas decided to follow the Nazi playbook once more. As one observer of World War II put it, the Nazis “ripped the lid off Hell.” That’s what Hamas did. It ripped the lid off Hell. The comparison is inescapable. As noted earlier in this gathering, the Catholic moral record during World War II and the Holocaust was mixed. There were outstanding exceptions. But many European Christians, and others, back then and elsewhere in history, wronged our older brothers and sisters in faith. Many did not view the bond that tethers Catholics and Jews as unbreakable, but as one to escape when loopholes like war or personal advantage presented themselves.
That is what we need to change. We must forge, and render visible, a new alliance between Jews and Catholics, the like of which has not existed before.
There’s an observation by Pope Paul VI that’s been quoted many times, including by Pope John …More
Anti-semitism is as nothing when compared to anti-Catholicism. The world hates the true Church because it hates Christ.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Catholics have more important things to worry about than a heretic and his pals trying to destroy the Church. Anti-Semitism is …More
Catholics have more important things to worry about than a heretic and his pals trying to destroy the Church. Anti-Semitism is wrong, but it's more an issue for Jews to confront.
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Israel: Maronite priest says ‘We Christians are loyal citizens of the State of Israel’

Israel: Maronite priest says ‘We Christians are loyal citizens of the State of Israel’ JAN 3, 2024 1:30 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER There are some Jew-hating Christian clerics who will be enraged and appalled …More
Israel: Maronite priest says ‘We Christians are loyal citizens of the State of Israel’
There are some Jew-hating Christian clerics who will be enraged and appalled by this, but they should take it up with Father Yousef Yakoub.
The meeting in question ran along predictable lines, as Herzog repeated the currently dominant fantasies regarding Islam, with no demurral from the assembled Christian leaders. The “moderate Islam” to which he refers does not exist, and has never actually been seen.
“Herzog: Hamas atrocities ‘incompatible’ with Jesus’s teachings,” JNS, December 24, 2023:
Israeli President Isaac Herzog told Christian leaders that the massacre carried out by Hamas on Oct. 7 is incompatible with the teaching of Jesus and the basic tenets of the Jewish faith as well as moderate Islam.
“Evil forces of the worst kind carried out a barbaric, sadistic attack, killing innocent women, children, old people, young people, people from 40 nationalities, …More
Hamas and Hezbollah Attacks on Christians Being Ignored JAN 3, 2024 2:00 PM BY HUGH FITZGERALD While the Pope, without the slightest evidence, recently accused Israel of killing two Palestinian …More
Hamas and Hezbollah Attacks on Christians Being Ignored
While the Pope, without the slightest evidence, recently accused Israel of killing two Palestinian Christian women at a Catholic church in Gaza, both he, and most of the world’s media that seconded his sentiments, have again showed an anti-Israel animus, always quick to blame Israel, in marked contrast to how studiously they ignore the continuing attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah on Christians. More on this double standard can be found here: “Why Christian Leaders Ignore Attacks on Their Community,” by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, January 2, 2024:
On December 26, Iran’s Lebanese terror proxy Hezbollah attacked St. Mary’s Greek Catholic Church in Iqrit, northern Israel. An anti-tank guided missile fired from Lebanon directly hit the church, severely wounding an 85-year-old civilian. Nine Israeli soldiers who rushed to rescue the churchgoer were then wounded by a second missile strike. …More

Hamas and Hezbollah Attacks on Christians Being Ignored

While the Pope, without the slightest evidence, recently accused Israel of killing two Palestinian Christian women at a Catholic church in Gaza, …

Christian combat soldier sacrifices life for Israel: Sgt.-Maj. Urija Bayer

Jerusalem Post Sergeant-Major (Sgt.-Maj.) Urija Bayer was a Christian combat soldier in the IDF who lost his life in battle on Sunday. He was proud to serve in the IDF and defend Israel. IDF Sgt.-Maj.…More
Jerusalem Post
Sergeant-Major (Sgt.-Maj.) Urija Bayer was a Christian combat soldier in the IDF who lost his life in battle on Sunday. He was proud to serve in the IDF and defend Israel.
IDF Sgt.-Maj. Urija Bayer succumbed to his wounds on Sunday after being seriously injured in battle in the southern Gaza Strip on December 14, the IDF reported. Bayer, 20, from Ma’alot-Tarshiha, was a member of the Maglan Special Forces unit of the Nahal Brigade and a German Evangelical Christian who chose to volunteer in the army. His grandparents moved to Israel to help support Holocaust survivors.
“He always wanted to be a combat soldier,” a fellow Evangelical IDF volunteer told The Jerusalem Post on condition of anonymity. “He was a good combat soldier, focused on defending the State of Israel. He was a good person, too. Always smiling.”
Proud to defend Israel
He said that he was proud to be a volunteer – being himself in combat – and proud of his friend.
“At the end of the day, as Christians, we …More
Arab-Muslim Israeli, Sophia Salama Khalifa, on the question: Does Israel intentionally target civilians?

Does Israel Purposely Target Civilians in Gaza? | PragerU

Arab Muslim Sophia Salma Khalifa sits with PragerU CEO, Marissa Streit, to dispute the claim that IDF targets vulnerable civilians in Gaza.
Bishop Schneider: Neither Pope nor Bishops Have Authority to “Forbid or Limit” Access to Traditional Latin MassMore
Bishop Schneider: Neither Pope nor Bishops Have Authority to “Forbid or Limit” Access to Traditional Latin Mass

Home - Catholic Family News

Brian McCallCFN Blog JULY 2023 EDITION: Fatima and Our Lady’s Spiritual Weapons Dear Friends of Catholic Tradition, The month of July presents us with two important dates …
Cardinal Müller’s continued support for the Latin Mass is almost counter revolutionary

Cardinal Müller's continued support for the Latin Mass is almost counter-revolutionary - LifeSite

Wed Jul 5, 2023 - 2:19 pm EDT (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former head of the Congregation …
Trump repeatedly celebrated the inclusion of transgender women in his beauty pageantMore
Trump repeatedly celebrated the inclusion of transgender women in his beauty pageant

Trump repeatedly celebrated the inclusion of transgender women in his beauty pageant

Years before he said he was running for president to “defeat the cult of gender ideology,” Donald Trump welcomed …
Trump was asked by reporters, in the first year of presidency, what the bathroom policy was at Trump Towers and Golf courses. He said that no one is …More
Trump was asked by reporters, in the first year of presidency, what the bathroom policy was at Trump Towers and Golf courses. He said that no one is going to be the bathroom police, and people can use what ever bathroom they want 😬
all star wrestling all fake .Trump is a side show for main event to come
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Never forget the bloody horrors of the English Reformation

Never forget the bloody horrors of the English Reformation - Catholic Herald

Martin Luther was a theologian. If you read the Ninety-Five Theses he reputedly tacked up on the door of Wittenberg’s …
Jordan Peterson Ignites a Twitter war with Pope Francis. What had the Pope written to provoke the world’s most popular psychologist to lay down a Twitter challenge? “#socialjustice demands that we …More
Jordan Peterson Ignites a Twitter war with Pope Francis.
What had the Pope written to provoke the world’s most popular psychologist to lay down a Twitter challenge?
#socialjustice demands that we fight against the causes of poverty: inequality and the lack of labour, land, and lodging; against those who deny social and labour rights; and against the culture that leads to taking away the dignity of others.”
To which Professor Peterson (never short on self-confidence) replied: “There is nothing Christian about #socialjustice. Redemptive salvation is a matter of the individual soul.”

Jordan Peterson's Twitter spat with Pope Francis - Catholic Herald

A few days ago there was a Twitter spat between Jordan Peterson (3.9 million followers) and Pope Francis (18.9 million followers, not …
Salvatore Bastatti
Peterson adroitly shows that anything Gordo says just contradict, deny, ignore. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is genuinely stupid. Even at my advanced age I am …More
Peterson adroitly shows that anything Gordo says just contradict, deny, ignore. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is genuinely stupid. Even at my advanced age I am still astonished at what a baffoon he is.
Pope Francis considers it an 'incoherence' that President Biden, a Catholic, supports abortion rights.

Here's what Pope Francis said about President Joe Biden's abortion stance

Denver Newsroom, Jul 12, 2022 / 13:00 pm Pope Francis has described it as an "incoherence" that President Joe Biden, a Catholic …
An "Incoherence"???? More NewChurchSpeak for ... "'s all part of our plan to take down Catholicism."More
An "Incoherence"????
More NewChurchSpeak for ...
"'s all part of our plan to take down Catholicism."
@giveusthisday We know what he thinks of Nazi Piglosi. He allowed her to receive Communion and he warmly embraced her.
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Abbé Janvier Gbénou's Response to Pope Francis: "You have scandalised the whole world several times by contradicting Christian Tradition"

Abbé Janvier Gbénou's Response to Pope Francis: "You have scandalised the whole world several times …

Abbé Janvier Gbénou (pen name: Father Jesusmary Missigbètò), who has frequently been in the news on …
His letter is brilliant! Dear God, please care for L'Avve Janvier Gbenou and grant him consolation and trust in him, and in us all.

How do we Define Western Civilization? Dr. Samuel Gregg answers


In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil