Seidenspinner teilt von martin fischer
1,6 Tsd.

State of Emergency declared in New Caledonia as Paris vote sparks “deadly spiral” of violent unrest

A group of protestors turned rioters on the streets of Noumea. May 2024 Photo: Nouvelle Caledonie La 1ere …
Japan's most senior cancer expert is now sounding the alarm on the mRNA injections. Doctors are suddenly seeing turbo cancer that was unheard of before.

Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’

The most senior medical oncologist in Japan recently slammed the COVID-19 mRNA shots as “the work of evil” that has caused “…
Seidenspinner teilt von Irapuato
St. Isidore the Farmer (1070-1130): He was a Spanish laborer who worked most of his life as a ploughman for a nobleman who lived near Madrid, Spain. Although working many hours a day, he never failed …Mehr
St. Isidore the Farmer (1070-1130): He was a Spanish laborer who worked most of his life as a ploughman for a nobleman who lived near Madrid, Spain. Although working many hours a day, he never failed to attend daily Mass, and spend time praying before the Holy Eucharist. He married a maid-servant, Maria de la Cabeza, who was also canonized a saint. They were always willing to help their neighbors and worked with the poor in the city slums. In 1947, he was proclaimed the Patron of the National Rural Life Conference in the United States.
San Isidro Labrador en 2 Minutos - El Santo del Día - 15 de Mayo p.josédejesús fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 15 de mayo †: c. 1130 - país: España otras formas del nombre: Isidoro canonización:Mehr
San Isidro Labrador en 2 Minutos - El Santo del Día - 15 de Mayo
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 15 de mayo
†: c. 1130 - país: España
otras formas del nombre: Isidoro
canonización: B: Pablo V 2 may 1619 - C: Gregorio XV 12 mar 1622
hagiografía: «Vidas de los santos de A. Butler», Herbert Thurston, SI
Memoria de san Isidro, labrador, que en Madrid, en el reino de Castilla, juntamente con su mujer, santa María de la Cabeza o Toribia, llevó una dura vida de trabajo, recogiendo con más paciencia los frutos del cielo que los de la tierra, y de este modo se convirtió en un verdadero modelo del honrado y piadoso agricultor cristiano. Patronazgos: patrono de Madrid, y los labradores y campesinos, protector contra la sequía y para pedir la lluvia y la buena cosecha. Tradiciones, refranes, devociones: Por San Isidro Labrador, la cosecha tiene color. San Isidro Labrador quita el agua y trae el sol. (variante) San Isidro labrador, reparte el agua y el sol. Si se desigualó …Mehr
Nearly 50 employees of the Vatican Museums have initiated a labor dispute with the Holy See over what they allege are poor, unfair and unsafe working conditions, which could result in a class action …Mehr
Nearly 50 employees of the Vatican Museums have initiated a labor dispute with the Holy See over what they allege are poor, unfair and unsafe working conditions, which could result in a class action lawsuit against Pope Francis’s administration.

Vatican Museums under fire from workers, local residents

ROME – Nearly 50 employees of the Vatican Museums have initiated a labor dispute with the Holy See over what they allege are poor, unfair and …
Hanno aumentato il costo del biglietto e ai dipendenti non viene riconosciuto il giusto compenso?…enti-musei-vaticani-class-action-vs-governatorato/ E in più la direttrice dei Musei Vaticani …Mehr
Hanno aumentato il costo del biglietto e ai dipendenti non viene riconosciuto il giusto compenso?…enti-musei-vaticani-class-action-vs-governatorato/
E in più la direttrice dei Musei Vaticani sembra che abbia fatto abusi edilizi in zona soggetta a vincoli...
Villa sull’Appia Antica, la condanna della direttrice dei Musei Vaticani per l’abuso edilizio
sono mai stati eseguiti gli ordini di demolizione degli abusi edilizi nella villa di barbara jatta?

Musei Vaticani: dal 2024 aumentano i prezzi. Non era il pontificato della povertà?

The price of tickets for the Vatican museums will increase I musei vaticani sono la maggior fonte di guadagno che lo …
Sono coerenti: aumentando i prezzi ci rendono più poveri...
Diminuiscono le entrate dell'8x1000, ci sono anche tante attività meritorie nella Chiesa che meritano di essere sostenute, in qualche modo...
Popes can do very little about matters like war and climate change. But they can do a lot to bring to justice sexual abusers in the ranks of the priesthood. So why ask the pope about the former but not …Mehr
Popes can do very little about matters like war and climate change. But they can do a lot to bring to justice sexual abusers in the ranks of the priesthood. So why ask the pope about the former but not the latter?

Expert Bergoglio Rants Again: These people "Are Foolish!"

Francis gave another interview on Wednesday, this time, what is rare, to a propaganda network from the USA, ‘CBS News’. The interview will not be published in full until May. As far as is known, Francis …Mehr
Francis gave another interview on Wednesday, this time, what is rare, to a propaganda network from the USA, ‘CBS News’. The interview will not be published in full until May.
As far as is known, Francis addressed concerns about war, peace, famine and climate change, responding with profound insights such as: Peace negotiations is better than a war without end.
Media activist Nora O’Donnell who serves the regime's narrative, asked only softball questions, hushing up the many moral, sexual and economic, and judical scandals for which Francis is directly responsible.
When asked about “deniers of climate change”, a propaganda term used to stifle criticism, climate specialist Francis Bergoglio went on the attack: “There are people who are foolish, and foolish even if you show them research. They don’t believe it. Why? Because they don’t understand the situation or because of their interests. But climate change exists.”
Bergoglio is wrong. Serious scientific research doesn't need to be "believed …Mehr
James Manning
The climate changes. It's complicated and is influenced by natural disasters and solar cycles. In late antiquity, the English could grow grapes. Then …Mehr
The climate changes. It's complicated and is influenced by natural disasters and solar cycles. In late antiquity, the English could grow grapes. Then 536 happened. After a few years things warmed up again. Then came the Little Ice Age.
1816 was the Year Without a Summer in the US.
So climate change happens. The Green Movement is a scam, though, and the Pope has no business pushing that political agenda.
Mary 17
What they call climate change sounds more the signs of the times Christ gave in the Gospel.
Ein weiterer Kommentar
Seidenspinner teilt von Zetti
22,1 Tsd.
Laut Tagesschau ist der fortschreitende Klimawandel für die deutlich gesunkene Geburtenrate in Deutschland verantwortlich.
Bei der Tagesschau hält man die Zuschauer für besonders blöd. Der Einbruch der Geburtenraten liegt angeblich am Ukrainekrieg, an der Inflation und - was sonst - am Klimawandel 😂 Skrupellose …Mehr
Bei der Tagesschau hält man die Zuschauer für besonders blöd. Der Einbruch der Geburtenraten liegt angeblich am Ukrainekrieg, an der Inflation und - was sonst - am Klimawandel 😂
Skrupellose Menschenexperimente mit neuartigen mRNA-Genspritzen können natürlich nicht die Ursache sein, das wären rechtsradikale Verschwörungstheorien😉
Kostenlos abonnieren: Ken Jebsen - Aufklärung und Information
Klamawandel ist Schuld! Seitdem Frauen, die sich sterilisieren lassen für den Klimawandel, Geld bekommen, stimmt doch ser Zusammenhang!
Tina 13
Die Klimasekte ist satanisch
Melissa Ohden ist eine Abtreibungsüberlebende und hat ein Netzwerk gegründet, damit Frauen wie sie ihre Geschichten erzählen können

Hier erzählen Frauen, die abgetrieben werden sollten, ihre Geschichten

Melissa Ohden ist eine Abtreibungsüberlebende und hat ein Netzwerk gegründet, damit Frauen wie sie ihre Geschichten erzählen können …
Canterbury Cathedral was built by Catholics before being taken by Protestants This is what they are currently using it for
Canterbury Cathedral, where St Thomas Becket was martyred just next to the nave, is hosting a “90s Silent Disco” over two nights Feb. 8-9. 3,000 people expected to take part.
170 in Linz bei "Österreich betet"
LINZ: Am 07.02.2024 gaben 170 Seelen bei der wunderschönen Rosenkranzprozession in Linz ein kraftvolles Zeugnis lebendigen Glaubens. Sie beteten den Hl. Rosenkranz und sangen Lieder zur größeren Ehre …Mehr
Am 07.02.2024 gaben 170 Seelen bei der wunderschönen Rosenkranzprozession in Linz ein kraftvolles Zeugnis lebendigen Glaubens.
Sie beteten den Hl. Rosenkranz und sangen Lieder zur größeren Ehre Gottes, für wahren Frieden und Glauben in Österreich, Europa und der ganzen Welt.
Vergelt's Gott an P. Bayer für die geistliche Begleitung, sowie an alle Teilnehmer.
Herzlichen Dank an alle Helfer und auch an die Linzer Polizei für die sehr professionelle Begleitung.
Die nächste große Rosenkranzprozession findet voraussichtlich am 08.05.2024 statt.
Ave Maria 🌹
Seidenspinner teilt von Luca Diste
"Sarà proprio lui, l’amico di merende di Mauro Gambetti, a dare (o non dare) le notizie dei pezzi che cadono della Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Si tratta di Padre Enzo Fortunato, il sessantenne …Mehr
"Sarà proprio lui, l’amico di merende di Mauro Gambetti, a dare (o non dare) le notizie dei pezzi che cadono della Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Si tratta di Padre Enzo Fortunato, il sessantenne frate minore conventuale che negli anni ha saputo accarezzare le seggiole dei potenti: politici ed ecclesiastici....
...Ai Niet della Segreteria di Stato, quindi, la soluzione individuata da Fortunato e Gambetti è stata proprio quella di rivolgersi al Santo Padre, il quale tutto può. Così, con un atto che mai si era visto prima, il Papa ha nominato Enzo Fortunato direttore della Comunicazione della Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano.

Padre Enzo Fortunato riesce a strappare una nomina al Papa

Father Enzo Fortunato appointed Director of Communication of St. Peter’s Papal Basilica Sarà proprio lui, l’amico di merende di Mauro Gambetti …
Fiducia Supplicans Provide Clarity – Just Not The Clarity They Wanted

Fiducia Supplicans Provide Clarity – Just Not The Clarity They Wanted

Well, the title alone is enough to make you read the article. Now that the dust has surged on Fiducia Supplicans, we should look at …
Il cardinale Mauro Gambetti oramai è inarrestabile, dopo la distruzione delle mura e delle opere d'arte della Basilica di San Pietro adesso passa alla distruzione della parte spirituale e religiosa. …Mehr
Il cardinale Mauro Gambetti oramai è inarrestabile, dopo la distruzione delle mura e delle opere d'arte della Basilica di San Pietro adesso passa alla distruzione della parte spirituale e religiosa.
Nel 2022 affermava che la Basilica di San Pietro sarebbe stata meno museo e più spirituale... Vaticano. Gambetti: «La basilica di San Pietro? Non un museo. Più vicini ai fedeli»
Dopo poco più di un anno da quell'intervista è successo esattamente il contrario!!!

A San Pietro le prove per benedire le coppie gay: nostre domande semiserie, ma non troppo #fernández …

Ci immaginiamo le scene delle benedizioni gay in S. Pietro. Dove: in sagrestia? In un angolo buio? In …
Seidenspinner teilt von Michi Gini

Dalla farsa alla catastrofe. La “Fiducia supplicans”, le sue origini e i possibili sviluppi #…

Grazie ad Aldo Maria Valli per la traduzione e pubblicazione di questa interessante analisi su Fiducia …
Raffaele Vargetto
Non sarebbe scandaloso benedire coppie di adulteri, di conviventi e di omosessuali? Non ci sarebbe stato bisogno di un documento vaticano se si fosse …Mehr
Non sarebbe scandaloso benedire coppie di adulteri, di conviventi e di omosessuali? Non ci sarebbe stato bisogno di un documento vaticano se si fosse trattato di benedire singole persone. La verità, purtroppo, è un'altra: si vogliono benedire le coppie in quanto tali, malgrado tutti i sofismi usati da chi ha pubblicato il testo per affermare il contrario. Ma, Dio non approva e benedice il peccato e la perversione.
Prayer for Imploring Holy Popes

Prayer for Imploring Holy Popes

FROM BISHOP SCHNEIDER Praised be Jesus Christ! Dear faithful Catholics, especially those who suffer as they witness our Holy Mother Church live through an unprecedented …
Francis also told Scalfari that he thought damned souls aren't actually damned, but were 'switched off' or 'oblivioned'.

Is He Afraid? "I Like To Think That Hell Is Empty"

"What I'm about to say is not a dogma of faith, but something I personally believe: I like to think that hell is empty. I hope that's the reality!" Francis said this during the Italian television …Mehr
"What I'm about to say is not a dogma of faith, but something I personally believe: I like to think that hell is empty. I hope that's the reality!"
Francis said this during the Italian television programme Che tempo che fa on 14 January. If hell is empty, then Francis, his cardinals, the Vatican, his Church, the sacraments and the Gospel are useless and can go to hell.
Asked about his homosexual pamphlet Fiducia supplicans, Francis said: "The Lord [= the devil] blesses everyone, everyone, everyone" [e.g. Nazis, racists, paedophiles].
He proclaimed that he wants to take those who proudly engage in homosexual sins "by the hand" (sic) and "not condemn them from the start".
Francis believes that confessors are called to "forgive everything [without repentance]". In his 54 years as a priest, he once refused to give absolution "because of the hypocrisy of the person". Indeed, Francis knows something about hypocrisy.
For Francis, the Lord [= the devil] "is not scandalised by our sins, because …Mehr
Padre Pio would say: He will find out that hell is not empy when he gets there.
Seidenspinner teilt von en.cartoon
1,8 Tsd.
"The first impression that one gets of a ruler and of his brains is from seeing the men that he has about him." (Machiavelli)
It's Not What's Said that Counts, But Who's Appointed Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsGedzvzvvkrMehr
It's Not What's Said that Counts, But Who's Appointed
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsGedzvzvvkr
Seidenspinner teilt von Sally Dorman
FRANKREICH Gewalttätige Verbrechen haben die Basilika Sacré Cœur de Rouen geplündert, Statuen zerschlagen, den Altar beschädigt und Kelche gestohlen. Als Wiedergutmachung sollen eine Messe und eine …Mehr
FRANKREICH Gewalttätige Verbrechen haben die Basilika Sacré Cœur de Rouen geplündert, Statuen zerschlagen, den Altar beschädigt und Kelche gestohlen. Als Wiedergutmachung sollen eine Messe und eine Anbetung stattfinden.
FRANCE Violent THUGS have RANSACKED the Sacré Cœur de Rouen Basilica, smashing statues, damaging the altar and stealing chalices A Mass and adoration are to take place in reparation Churches are now …Mehr
FRANCE Violent THUGS have RANSACKED the Sacré Cœur de Rouen Basilica, smashing statues, damaging the altar and stealing chalices A Mass and adoration are to take place in reparation Churches are now attacked in France every week
Für die Durchsetzung der Maskenpflicht wurde vor Verhandlungsbeginn FFP2 Masken an die Zuschauer ausgegeben. Diese waren leider schon seit Mai 2023 abgelaufen.

Rechtsstaat A. D. - zumindest im Landgericht Freiburg

Rechtsfreier Raum im Landgericht Freiburg? Für Richter Dr. Klein spielen im Gerichtssaal Eingriff in die Grundrechte, Persönlichkeitsrechte und Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit wortwörtlich keine …Mehr
Rechtsfreier Raum im
Landgericht Freiburg?

Für Richter Dr. Klein spielen im Gerichtssaal Eingriff in die Grundrechte, Persönlichkeitsrechte und Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit wortwörtlich keine Rolle.
Bei der Verhandlung von Dr. Wasmer ordnet Richter Dr. Klein ( mit Verweis auf GVG176), für alle Zuschauer (und nur für diese) kurz vor Verhandlungsbeginn eine Maskenplicht an. Für die Durchsetzung der Maskenpflicht wurde vor Verhandlungsbeginn FFP2 Masken an die Zuschauer ausgegeben. Diese waren leider schon seit Mai 2023 abgelaufen. Als Zuschauer auf das Verfallsdatum hinwiesen, meinte ein Justizbeamter, dann solle man sich halt selbst eine besorgen.
Selbst die Verteidigung war überrascht von dieser Maskenanordnung, die übrigens nirgendwo anders im Gebäude galt, und auch nicht, als sich anfangs ca. 50 Zuschauer im Gerichtsaal befanden, bevor per Anweisung auf 15 Zuschauer reduziert worden ist.
Die Verteidigung hielt diese Anordnung für unverhältnissmäßig und sogar für schikanös, da …Mehr
im grunde genommen müsste der richter wegen amtsmissbrauch suspendiert und vor ein disziplinargericht zitiert werden!
nujaas Nachschlag
Masken und Handschuhe haben ein Verfallsdatum.
2 weitere Kommentare
Seidenspinner teilt von Ursula Sankt
1,7 Tsd.
Das sind wahre Helden unserer Tage
40 Tage für das Leben: Bilder aus Kiel, Pforzheim, Stuttgart und München.