Sandy Barrett
Headlines on today's declaration - most of course don't carry the Vatican's insistence that the Church's teaching hasn't changed.
True Mass
Exactly. The secular media will run with it. That's what the man in Rome wants. Destroy from within.
Louis IX
This will comfortably slide into “Pope approves gay marriage in the Church” by the secular media. Give it a few weeks.
Sandy Barrett
The millions who take their cues from the secular media about the Catholic Church and her teaching are hearing or reading, “Pope Approves Blessings for Same-Sex Couples.” Period. The Father of Lies is the author of confusion, the end game for which is to make spiritual shipwreck of souls.
@Sandy Barrett They are “hearing or reading” that in the secular media because that is EXACTLY what has happened. In unambiguous and explicit language Pope Francis has done the unthinkable and the unspeakable: he has “approved blessings for same-sex couples” by Bishops, Priests and Deacons of Holy Mother Church. That is an undeniable, indisputable, unavoidable and inescapable fact of reality. …More
@Sandy Barrett They are “hearing or reading” that in the secular media because that is EXACTLY what has happened. In unambiguous and explicit language Pope Francis has done the unthinkable and the unspeakable: he has “approved blessings for same-sex couples” by Bishops, Priests and Deacons of Holy Mother Church. That is an undeniable, indisputable, unavoidable and inescapable fact of reality. And as is being accurately reported in the conservative Catholic media, he has done so in no uncertain terms — boldly, brashly and brazenly — without any duplicity or dissimulation. Yes, the Father of Lies does, in fact, “lie” but he’s not lying this time…not about this. Because the naked, unvarnished truth is this: Sadly and to the great and utter horror and eternal shame of the Faithful everywhere and for all time, the Successor of Saint Peter and Vicar of Christ on Earth has just sanctioned and given Papal permission for the Church (and thus, the Lord Himself) to bestow God’s blessing upon the unnatural, unclean, unholy union of two people of the same sex. It’s blasphemous to even think of such a thing actually happening, let alone putting it in written words, but here we are. It’s not a dream or a nightmare we’re in and will shortly wake up from. No, we’re awake and this is real. May God, in His infinite mercies, save His Church from the vile, diabolical monsters who seek to demolish and destroy her.