Conversion to the Church Produced Strange Phenomena

Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism. She and her husband received …More
Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism.
She and her husband received baptism, confirmation and Holy Communion at this year's Easter Vigil. Prior to their conversion, the family attended a non-denominational religious group with large video screens, weak music and a feel-good preacher. They have two young children.
Jayme Clune studied the history of the early Church and found that her beliefs were consistent with those of the Catholic Church. She and her husband were both drawn to the tradition, liturgy and sacraments of the Church.
As they began the official process of conversion, they were confronted with strange occurrences in their home.
- Lights would go on in rooms where no one had been.
- A large arched window inexplicably shattered, sending thousands of shards of glass across the floor.
- Water leaked from the kitchen sink.
- The toilets overflowed. - …More
Ivan Tomas
Call an exorcist. Evil spirits must be driven out of that house.