This is Human Dignity
It’s just a gravy train for Liberals.
U S Spacy
Maybe there will be different cleaner and cheaper energy in the future. It will come when God wants it to come, as He has done before. But starving people until it comes is criminal.
You would not throw away good food in your refrigerator and starve your children until you get better, healthier and cheaper food in the future. That would make no sense.
John A Cassani
There should have been no effort to push “green energy” until it was perfectly ready to meet energy needs, or electric vehicles until they can, practically, replace gas and diesel powered vehicles. It has been a huge money grab over the last 10 or 15 years, on a far greater scale than the Y2K hoax was in the late 90s. Trillions of the dollars that have flooded the economy have gone into the pockets …More
There should have been no effort to push “green energy” until it was perfectly ready to meet energy needs, or electric vehicles until they can, practically, replace gas and diesel powered vehicles. It has been a huge money grab over the last 10 or 15 years, on a far greater scale than the Y2K hoax was in the late 90s. Trillions of the dollars that have flooded the economy have gone into the pockets of the people selling this stuff. And, they don’t even know what they’re doing, as evidenced by the execs testifying before Congress who thought the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere was more than 100 times what it is.