The study of philosophy aims not at knowing what men feel, but at what is the truth of things.
v.WITTGENSTEIN was in the tradition of those stupid from "the Capua of the spirit" (GRILLPARZER on His Vienna), who wanted to replace philoSophy with ... physics, mathematics, linguistics! And who were as such amusingly a relict of ARISTOTELic Scholasticism, while being so proud of their "modern" "rationality", "logicism" having undone medieval "obscurantism" aso.
In fact all real philoSophers have …More
v.WITTGENSTEIN was in the tradition of those stupid from "the Capua of the spirit" (GRILLPARZER on His Vienna), who wanted to replace philoSophy with ... physics, mathematics, linguistics! And who were as such amusingly a relict of ARISTOTELic Scholasticism, while being so proud of their "modern" "rationality", "logicism" having undone medieval "obscurantism" aso.
In fact all real philoSophers have been true at least by being a triumph over those idiots, who have intended to self-abdicate their spirit in order to become primitive laborRats or other "rational" technicians.
I agree on the idiocy of Wittgenstein's nominalism but this critique sounds like a cross between Hegel's phenomenology of the Spirit and von Schlegel's Philosophie des Lebens, peppered with Nietzsche. Oh, romantic idealists, fly high and return to the Spirit my brethren for the dirt below is a useless shadow.
I agree on the idocy of Wittgenstein's nominalism but this critique sounds like a cross between ARISTOTELism and MARXISM. Oh, "realistic" imManentists, remain bound to a world, which is neither rational nor normal.
With people who insist that there is no objective truth, simply ask "but is that true?" Works every time.
Hound of Heaven
The ever-wise and ever-humble St Thomas Aquinas likely 'hit the nail on the head' when, upon realizing the limits of his own magnificent work, stated, "everything I have written seems to me like straw.” He and Wittgenstein might have had some good conversations.
Dr Bobus
It does not have anything in common with Wittgenstein. St Thomas had a supernatural vision on Dec 6th, perhaps of the Trinity. His socius Reginald urged him to resume work afterwards. St Thomas comments speaking of his works as straw is a comparison to what was revealed to him in ecstasy.
Wittgenstein wrote volumes of books on that nothing could be said, lol.
Dr Bobus
The irony is that Germans and Austrians have no interest in Wittengenstein. On the other hand, the English do. Nb: William of Occam was English.
Wo er recht hat, hat er recht, der olle Wittgenstein! 😊