GERMANY: Balding Trans-Identified Male Now Demanding €2,500 from Women’s Gym After Being Denied Access …

A trans-identified male who was denied membership and access to the women’s showers at a female-only …

Israel hat in Gaza Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit begangen: UN-gestützter Bericht - Sicht vom …

Israel committed crimes against humanity during the war in Gaza, including the crime of „extermination …
😭 🙏 🙏 🙏
Francis has once again appealed to Catholic priests to keep their homilies short, this time warning that homilies should be no longer than eight minutes or “people will fall asleep.”

Pope Francis: Keep your homilies short or ‘people will fall asleep’

Pope Francis has once again appealed to Catholic priests to keep their homilies short, this time warning that homilies should be no …
Fred Alan Medforth

Insane! MILLIONS of Foreigners in UK Can VOTE in UK General Election, incl. Students on 6 Mnth Visas

Allah's Willing Executioners Antisemitism, Antizionism, Jihadism and the Reunited Germany. News by …
Tom Morelli
Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' PlanMore
Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan

Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan

A favorite parlor game among American political junkies in 2024 is guessing just how and when the Democrats will …

Julian Barrow, Westminster Abbey from Dean's Yard

Julian Barrow (britisch, 1939 – 2013) Westminster Abbey from Dean's Yard (oil on canvas), Julian Barrow Westminster Abbey From Dean'S Yard (Oil On Canvas), Julian Barrow .............................…More
Julian Barrow
(britisch, 1939 – 2013)
Westminster Abbey from Dean's Yard (oil on canvas), Julian Barrow
Westminster Abbey From Dean'S Yard (Oil On Canvas), Julian Barrow
Mozambique Catholics brutally martyred by Muslims for professing the faith. Included is a nun who served orphaned children and several Catholic fathers beheaded by Muslim insurgent

Locals in Mozambique Tell Stories of Christians Killed for their Faith: “They are our martyrs”

Nampula, 08 June, 2024 / 11:19 pm (ACI Africa). Parishioners of Chipene in Nampula, a province that is …
Live Mike

German politicians fingered in Chinese ‘cash for permits’ corruption scandal

The main suspect in an ongoing fraud investigation in Germany has incriminated several local politicians from the mainstream …
Guntherus de Thuringia
《 Our latest article addresses the myths that defensive jihad against Satanic powers who wage aggression and occupation against Muslims and their lands is somehow impermissible in Shi'a Islam. Read …More
《 Our latest article addresses the myths that defensive jihad against Satanic powers who wage aggression and occupation against Muslims and their lands is somehow impermissible in Shi'a Islam.
Read the full analysis by @ibnalghobeiri Jihad in Islam and the Palestinian Cause

Jihad in Islam and the Palestinian Cause

A small but noticeable minority among the Shi’a who are victims of the ‘leaderlessness crisis’ have been raising doubts regarding the legitimacy and permissibility of …

US Bishops: Francis Is Authoritarian, Ruthless Divider

Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church." It contains …More
Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church."
It contains interviews with US bishops, who must of course remain anonymous.
One bishop tells Maier that "a pope should be the principle of unity in the Church; instead Francis is promoting ambiguity that feeds division" (, 10 June).
Another bishop said of Francis: "His distaste for the United States and its bishops is obvious and unwarranted. His manner is authoritarian. And it's revealing that not a single seminarian inspired by Francis has come to this diocese during his tenure. A Church under pressure needs better than this."
A third bishop gives Francis credit for supposedly "reforming" the Vatican's finances: "I think his manner of governance is actually quite ruthless. It weakens the authority of the papal office."
"Francis seems to have a coterie around him with an unhelpful ideology …More
Everyday for Life Canada
You can judge a pontificate by its fruits. The current one has produced fruits of confusion, division and mistrust.
2 more comments

Climate Alarmism is the existential threat to humanity

By Chris Talgo While in France observing the 80th anniversary of D-Day and honoring the thousands of brave soldiers who gave their lives fighting …

Am 250. Tag des Krieges werden Märtyrer und Verletzte im Zentrum des Gazastreifens gemeldet - Sicht …

The Israeli occupation intensified its targeting of areas in the central Gaza Strip, in addition to …
sp2 . .
Dear Cardinal Müller You are a little late in this matter, when were you in office? The movement, named Roman Catholic Womenpriests, says more than a hundred women have been ordained since 2002, and …More
Dear Cardinal Müller
You are a little late in this matter, when were you in office?
The movement, named Roman Catholic Womenpriests, says more than a hundred women have been ordained since 2002, and two-thirds of them are in the U.S.

Female Priests Defy Catholic Church At The Altar

Roman Catholic "Womenpriests" on their ordination day, June 4, at St. John's United Church of Christ in Catonsville, Md. Courtesy of Gene Renner Roman …
English Catholic
sp2 . . Yes, I remember reading about this scandal decades ago. If there are any in the UK, they keep a low profile. All the lefty feminist pro-women …More
sp2 . . Yes, I remember reading about this scandal decades ago. If there are any in the UK, they keep a low profile. All the lefty feminist pro-women priest groups died out (probably literally in many cases - it was never a youth movement) towards the end of the 1990's over here. Even the BBC Excommunicated: The women fighting to be priests had to interview women from New Mexico in 2022 - possibly because they couldn't find any here.
"News From Hell" presents news from Hell.
2 more comments

Workers abandoned by centre Left embrace economic nationalism

Welsh miners. Unknown provenance. Amid the protracted battle by leading members of the EU Parliament to wrest more powers from the Council …
Bergoglio Out Of Control, Censorship Is Activated

Bergoglio Out Of Control, Censorship Is Activated

Communication incidents are many. Words misunderstood and misinterpreted, others uttered without imagining the consequences (often diplomatic), or speeches …
Ivan Tomas
Why on earth you should censorship someone who is called a man in white?! Oh, wait! Maybe because he is an imposter, a Deepfake pope!More
Why on earth you should censorship someone who is called a man in white?!
Oh, wait! Maybe because he is an imposter, a Deepfake pope!
Fatherhood fades from the landscape of the human heart to the peril of the souls of our youth. For some young men in prison, absent fathers conjure empty dreams.

The Twilight of Fatherhood: Cry, the Beloved Country — Beyond These Stone Walls

The Twilight of Fatherhood: Cry, the Beloved Country — I was five days shy of turning fifteen years old and looking forward …
Normand Thomas

185. By our presence

God wants us to live. He wants us to stay in his Love, so that we can feed and guide ourselves continually. Here’s another way to share the faith we receive from God: “If you bestow your bread on the …More
God wants us to live. He wants us to stay in his Love, so that we can feed and guide ourselves continually. Here’s another way to share the faith we receive from God:
“If you bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted; Then light shall rise for you in the darkness, and the gloom shall become for you like midday.” Isaiah, chapter 58, verse 10
If we give above all simply from our presence, heartily, to those who are hungry and thirsty for an encounter with the Lord, we will be happy and we’ll see the joyful people around us.
By our presence, if we fill the desires of joy of the unfortunate, we’ll see an even greater light and darkness will hurry out of sight. Our light will be like that of noon in a bright summer sun.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Up! Let's go!, Normand Thomas

Video: A Jewish-Russian Proxy President: Zelensky Transformed into a Nazi. - Global Research

Video: A Jewish-Russian Proxy President: Zelensky Transformed into a Nazi. All Global Research articles can …
That what cocaine does to the brain look at democratic party 🤪
Father Karl A Claver
The USA asked for him, and they got him. We should have left the other man in power, but Obama wanted him out because he was pro-Russian.
Pierre Henri
COMMUNICATION TO THE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Responsibility of the President of the European Commission for aiding and abetting the commission of war crimes, crimes …More
Responsibility of the President of the European Commission
for aiding and abetting the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide by the Israeli military forces in the Gaza Strip
29 pages

Pope Francis, End Times prophecy, warning, miracle: Here’s how it all lines up

Pope Francis, End Times prophecy, warning, miracle: Here's how it all lines up Most Viral Moments See More Prophecies …
You want magician not a redeemer old fashion martyrdom Blood of Martyrs seed of faith